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Corel Video­Studio Pro 2023⁠

Your Video, Your Style, Your Moment!

VideoStudio Pro 2023
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Minimum System Requirements:

You need the 64-bit version for the following operating systems:

Windows® 11, Windows® 10, Windows® 8

Processor: Core i3 or AMD A4 series for standard videos; Intel Core i7 or AMD Athlon A10 for HD and UHD videos

RAM: 4 GB or higher, 8+ GB highly recommended for HD and UHD videos

Graphics Card: Minimum display resolution 1366 x 768, at least 512 MB VRAM or higher recommended for hardware acceleration

Sound Card: Windows-compatible sound card

Hard Drive Space: At least 10 GB for full installation

DVD burner required for creating DVD and AVCHD discs

Blu-ray burning requires the purchase of a separate plug-in from the product

Internet connection required for installation and online features

Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
End User License Agreement

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