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Our commitment to a sustainable future

The road to sustainability at Ashampoo

Sustainability is on everyone's mind yet its implementation in day-to-day operations is anything but a no-brainer.
And what does sustainability mean in the context of a medium-sized software company, where thinking and typing make up 90% of the work, anyway? We're trying to bring sustainability to life across our company and, though we may only just be taking the first steps in what will be a life-long endeavor, we're on our way!

What sustainability means to us

At Ashampoo, we strive to make best-in-class software–and we apply that same drive and determination towards making our company more sustainable. This means, raising awareness, developing viable long-term strategies, and continually taking stock and reflecting on our efforts.

Good ideas are born out of cooperation and it falls on all of us to chip in–and to inspire others around us to follow suit. That's why we'll be documenting our activities more and eventually put out a sustainability report, even if it's not a legal requirement.

What we've accomplished so far

Using finite resources sparingly has been a priority at Ashampoo long before the media hype around sustainability broke out.
Today, our offices are mostly paperless, with a few printers here and there, and time and attendance tracking happens digitally. We rely on regional suppliers for our catering and toiletry needs, with a heavy focus on recycled materials. We also adhere to the "too good to go" principle and hold regular swap meets for clothes, decorative items, books, and other goods to reduce waste.
Prior to the construction of our magnificent //CRASH headquarters, rigid environmental standards played an integral role during the planning phase–with the decision not to hook up the building to the gas grid being one of the results!
//CRASH relies on geothermal energy for heating, and photovoltaics for a major share of its electricity requirements. Energy-efficient floor heating runs throughout the building and manages both heating and cooling. Energy-saving, motion sensor powered light bulbs provide on-demand lighting throughout floors and stairwells. As for mobility: Ashampoo follows a liberal home office policy and offers e-bike leasing which, in tandem with reliable public transport facilities, enables most of our employees to leave their cars at home.
Sustainability includes fair working conditions and puts a focus on the personal growth of employees.
Naturally, birthplace, gender, and age are irrelevant. All staff members are encouraged to actively participate and enroll in courses that teach valuable knowledge regarding sustainable corporate management. Our managerial staff has an open ear for new ideas and suggestions that help our business to become more sustainable. //CRASH POINT, our in-house restaurant, offers vegetarian and vegan dishes, and there's a meat-free day that offers a choice of two vegetarian meals. Finally, regular exercise programs, like back pain prevention training, Yoga, and stretching, as well as a company-sponsored membership at a local gym promote a healthy work-life balance at Ashampoo.
Every human-made building upsets the nature around it to some degree and we try to compensate for that: A green roof and //CRASH PARK, with a field of flowers that hosts our bee hive, are just the beginning.
Multiple water holes and plant installments around the building are meant to serve as a living space for animals and insects. And we are in the process of collecting new ideas to further foster plant and animal life around the //CRASH building!
We're doing the best we can to help others and offset social imbalances–and we've been doing so for years.
Donating to welfare institutions, both locally and internationally, is always worthwhile, no matter the cause. Whether disadvantaged youth or victims of war, we want to give back to society and actively support those who support the needy.